Hey everyone,
Since I'm the only one here at my own first ever blog party, let me be the first to welcome you to the newest family on Health & Fitness street.
My name's Ethan, I've just moved to the area and I need some help. You see that big van there? The one that says knowledge on the side? I would like your help to unload it all. As many people as you can find. Many people make light work!
There's lots of things in it that you might even be interested in. We've got; nutrition tips for fat loss, muscle gain or just general health.

We also have some great information on fitness, sports and exercise alongside some other great information on: physiotherapy, rehabilitation and pre-habilitation. Plus there's a few boxes of; motivation, business tips, people skills and communication, regulations and law and anything and everything in between.
It may seem like a lot of work and a lot of information to unload and sort through but the more people we bring, the easier it's going to be for us all.
Health and fitness are two of my main passions in life. Today more than ever our society is in so much need of a cure, not from factors beyond our control but from simple things like our diet, our daily exercise, stresses in our life. For many of us today all three of these pose a negative effect on our lives, they are detrimental to our health and our longevity.
If we want to change this, we ourselves as individuals must take that all important step! Through the knowledge and information from myself and others on this near daily blog, I hope that we together can help make a difference in the world of health and fitness.
All blogs, posts, articles and studies will be aimed at a variety of people: fitness professionals, clinicians, therapists, natural or alternative medicinal practitioners BUT most importantly, the everyday person, who just needs that small spark to ignite that bonfire that is self determination.
Keep watch for my first post on......wait for it.....myself! Just a more detailed introduction of who I am, where I come from and what I do.
Many thanks,
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